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Pug - What you lookin' at???

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 1640
Added: Sat Jul 24 1999

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8 out of 10 stars (8 votes)

Well, I guess we need to put this with the dogs, even though it's a "Pug." "What do you mean? Pugs are dogs!" you exclaim! If you've ever owned one, you know the truth! The scene in Men in Black could _only_ have been written by a long-time Pug Owner.

Pugs... they just don't get no respect!

They are so ugly they're cute! They smell bad, run in circles at the speed of light, snort, grunt, emit gaseous odors and are just full of love!

Send us your best pug photos!

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)

Keywords: animals dogs pugs respect looking silly alien cuddly ugly fugly lovable love stinker smelly

Hits: 71092

(Added: Sat Jul 24 1999     Rating: 8.12    Votes: 8)

<$if Votes_Old%>

Old Vote count was: 7, with a rating of 8

Error: Unmatched endif/endifnot/endunless tag

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