(2 votes)
No Halloween season is complete without the stark ancient beauty of mysterious Stonehenge, whose dark secrets are shrouded in the mists of time.
Was it a powerful magic ring of stone? A dreaded circle of sorcery? Or was it just a creepy playground for tree-hugging Druids??
New studies seem to sugest that stonehenge was, in reality, an elaborate seasonal calendar. If so, then send this greeting to remind your friends of a special date, the time of a Halloween Party, or if you just want to get somebody's attention in a "monumental" way!
Some suggested greetings to get you going...
- Let's Rock!
- Happy Halloween!
- I'd sacrifice anything for you!
- I'm in ruins without you! (or, if you prefer, "I'm in 'Runes' without you!
And of course, the one we just couldn't resist:
Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)
Keywords: travel stonehenge england halloween druids magic ritual witches monumental calendar mystery ruin rune love together
Hits: 47541
(Added: Fri Sep 17 1999 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 2)
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