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Gargoyles of Notre Dame 02

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 2547
Added: Wed Sep 22 1999

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Gargoyles of Notre Dame 02 popular

6 out of 10 stars (5 votes)

The ghostly, ghoulish Gargoyles of Notre Dame -- horrid hoary harbingers of Halloween!

From their lofty perch atop the famed Cathedral in Paris, these silent stone sentinels survey the surrounding scenery by the Seine under the setting sun.

Okay, Okay, sorry about that. You get the picture.

Still, with the Eiffel Tower peeking up in the background, these moody images set the tone for some enigmatically enchanted evening, or even perhaps a Romantic Rondevous with a monstrous edge.

Or, you could just send this greeting "to creep" somebody out!

Other suggested uses are:

  • I can see your house from here!!!
  • Thinking of you!
  • Thinking of you across the miles.
  • Missing you.
  • The "Old Haunts" aren't the same without you!
  • I've got a "hunch" something's missing.
  • I see Paris, I see France....
  • Sorry, I've been so moody lately...
And, for anyone who has witnessed the "Rocky" Horror Picture Show:
  • "Dammit, Granite! I love you!"
Of course, you could also attach something along the lines of a Ricki Lake or Jerry Springer phrase like: "You go Girl!" which can be altered in a Digital Postcards® Way to become:
  • "You Gar-Goyle!!"

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)

Keywords: travel paris france notre dame eiffle tower landmarks city sunset hanging out halloween creepy monsters

Hits: 77732

(Added: Wed Sep 22 1999     Rating: 6.20    Votes: 5)

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