An Irish Graveyard in Autumn -- reverberating with the anguished moans of lost souls, wailing with the piercing howls of shrieking Banshees, and echoing with the even more mournful lament "Uh-oh, we just ran out of Guinness!"
If words fail you in the face of such unspeakable horror, let us here at POSTCARDS.COM / CREEPYCARDS.COM do the talking:
Suggested Greetings:
- The morgue the merrier!
- Just Hangin' Out!
- A tisket a tasket, it's lonely in my casket!
- Down and very out.
- Feelin' down and out?
- Down, but not out.... well, um, Okay, so I'm out!
Pre-printed cards are (or will be) available with the following greetings. Until then, feel free to add them to your card yourself!
- Workin' Hard? We're not, We're dead!
- Working Stiffs!
- Do your spirits need a BOOst?
- Do your spirits need a lift?
- Happy Halloween from "the Gang!"
- Have a "Bury" nice Halloweeen!
- Happpy Halloween from all of us!
- Happy Halloween to you and yours!
- Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you -- I've been burried!
Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)
Keywords: travel ireland irish graveyard tombstones cemetery halloween burried working autumn seasonal spirits morgue hanging out casket down blue tired exhausted
Hits: 64014
(Added: Thu Oct 14 1999 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)
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