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Sightings! -- Izzit Nessie?

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 2496
Added: Fri Sep 10 1999

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Sightings! -- Izzit Nessie? popular

6 out of 10 stars (5 votes)

Is this NEW proof of the existence of Nessie, the fabled Loch Ness Monster? Or, coming as close as it does to Halloween, is this some sophisticated high-tech attempt to dupe all of us "Dumbos" here at POSTCARDS.COM with a "re-Tusked" negative?

Either way, send this greeting to a friend -- your're sure to create a media "circus" of your own!

  • It's time we had an "in-depth" talk!
  • Where have you been hiding?
  • You'll never guess what I just heard...
  • Check this out...
  • What's Up?
  • you better write!
  • Let's keep in touch.
  • I'm through "Missing you," now it's time for some action!
  • Happy Halloween!!

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)

Keywords: animals monster elephant loch ness halloween legend missing you call keep in touch contact mystery

Hits: 40727

(Added: Fri Sep 10 1999     Rating: 6.60    Votes: 5)

<$if Votes_Old%>

Old Vote count was: 4, with a rating of 6

Error: Unmatched endif/endifnot/endunless tag

Current stats, as of June 8th, 2004 are:

Rating Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average Total Votes
Number of Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9.00 1

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