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Irish Garden in Autumn

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 1003
Added: Thu Oct 14 1999

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Irish Garden in Autumn

9 out of 10 stars (4 votes)

The only thing more desolate and bleak than an Irish Graveyard in Autumn is an Irish Garden in Autumn -- or so the legends (and our photos) say! Still, we "Half-full Romantic Optimists" here at POSTCARDS.COM believe that True Love can blossom anywhere ... All it takes is a fertile Imagination, and lots of guts!

Other Suggestions:

  • I love you so much it's SCARY!!
  • Everything's coming apart without out!
  • My Life's lost it's color without you!
  • Feelin' Spooky?
  • Creepy!
  • It's soooo lonely without you!
  • Missing you

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)

Keywords: travel ireland irish garden halloween seasonal spirits fall romantic love blossom imagination creepy lonely missing you

Hits: 49660

(Added: Thu Oct 14 1999     Rating: 9.00    Votes: 4)

<$if Votes_Old%>

Old Vote count was: 3, with a rating of 9

Error: Unmatched endif/endifnot/endunless tag

Current stats, as of June 8th, 2004 are:

Rating Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average Total Votes
Number of Votes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9.00 1

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