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Been Waiting Long?

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 271
Added: Mon Apr 03 2000

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Been Waiting Long?

We have here a picture of a true "Hard Head". Someone who was "Petrified" of making a commitment, or saying "I love you." In short, a real "In your face" "BONE"-afide BONEHEAD!!

This photo lent itself to so many different uses, we made up 5 (count 'em FIVE) different pre-made cards, as well as a blank one for your own special message, as well as over a DOZEN suggested greetings!

Suggested greetings are:

  • Blank card, no writing.
  • In your face! (premade card exists)
  • You Talkin' to me?? (premade card exists)
  • Been waiting long?
  • I miss you so bad my skin fell off!
  • Happy Birthday, Old-Timer! (premade card exists)
  • Smash Mouth!
  • Somebody's been putting in a lot of face time!
  • Bone-afide BONEHEAD! (premade card exists)
  • How long you gonna make me wait?!
  • Worth waiting for! (premade card exists)
  • Sorry, I was so late.....
  • Your love petrifies me!
  • Good luck... You'll need it!
  • Hello!
  • Ya don't say!

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999 Digital Postcards, PUGDOG Enterprises, Inc.

Keywords: skull bonehead bone petrified elephantmastodon birthday old-timer fossilized face waiting late sorry creepycards

Hits: 57735

(Added: Mon Apr 03 2000     Rating: 0.00    Votes: 0)

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