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Good Luck - You'll Need it!

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 665
Added: Tue Aug 03 1999

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Good Luck - You'll Need it!

9 out of 10 stars (1 vote)

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The classic black cat under a ladder, with a thatched roof and TV antenna (lightening rod). What could be a better set up for a fall?

Available with two different sayings.

  • Best of Luck! - You'll Need It!
  • With a Good Luck Card Like This...

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)

Keywords: lucky black cat superstition ladder england thatched hut cottage humor paradox bad day

Hits: 46902

(Added: Tue Aug 03 1999     Rating: 9.00    Votes: 1)

<$if Votes_Old%>

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