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Submitted by: admin
Hits: 791
Added: Fri Sep 17 1999

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9 out of 10 stars (2 votes)

No Halloween season is complete without the stark ancient beauty of mysterious Stonehenge, whose dark secrets are shrouded in the mists of time.

Was it a powerful magic ring of stone? A dreaded circle of sorcery? Or was it just a creepy playground for tree-hugging Druids??
New studies seem to sugest that stonehenge was, in reality, an elaborate seasonal calendar. If so, then send this greeting to remind your friends of a special date, the time of a Halloween Party, or if you just want to get somebody's attention in a "monumental" way!

Some suggested greetings to get you going...

  • Let's Rock!
  • Happy Halloween!
  • I'd sacrifice anything for you!
  • I'm in ruins without you! (or, if you prefer, "I'm in 'Runes' without you!
And of course, the one we just couldn't resist:
  • Just Dru-id!

Copyright Info: Copyright 1999, Digital Postcards (R)

Keywords: travel stonehenge england halloween druids magic ritual witches monumental calendar mystery ruin rune love together

Hits: 43812

(Added: Fri Sep 17 1999     Rating: 9.00    Votes: 2)

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