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Happy Halloween!!!  The Director's Cut!

Submitted by: admin
Hits: 2907
Added: Tue Sep 26 2000

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Happy Halloween!!! The Director's Cut! popular

7 out of 10 stars (5 votes)

For that Halloween greeting that's sure to become an "Oc-Cult" Classic, why not try sending this rather unique "CLIP"--we found it on the "Cutting" Room floor and couldn't resist offering it up to our loyal users. Give it a try--in an "off-hand" manner, it might just "Splice" things up a bit during this holiday season!

Copyright Info: Copyright 2000 Digital Postcards, PUGDOG Enterprises, Inc.

Keywords: happy halloween directors cut hand

Hits: 23770

(Added: Tue Sep 26 2000     Rating: 7.60    Votes: 5)

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